Court Reporters
Official Certified Shorthand Reporter:
Official Court Reporters (Employees) for the Superior Court of San Bernardino are required to upload their notes into ACORN every other Friday when payroll is due.
Pro Tem Certified Shorthand Reporter:
Pro Tem Court Reporters hired per diem by the Superior Court of San Bernardino are required to upload their notes into ACORN at the end of their assignment, prior to submitting their bill.
Who may I contact if I have a question regarding a Court Reporter?
How Do I Request a Court Reporter Transcript?
Requests for Court Reporter Transcripts may be submitted via e-mail directly to the court reporter. In order to process your request, we will need to include the following information in your email:
- Name and telephone number of requester (Required information)
- Case Name
- Case Number
- Date of Proceedings
- Name of Judge
- Courtroom number
- Location of Courthouse where Hearing/Trial was held
- In the Subject Line indicate “Transcript Request"
After receiving your request, the court reporter will provide you with an estimate of the cost. You will then need to make arrangements with the court reporter for payment. Once financial arrangements and payment has been made, the court reporter will prepare the transcript per your request.
Note: Please allow one week to be contacted by the reporter with an estimate. If you do not see the name of the reporter on the list below or have not been contacted in one week regarding your request for a transcript please call the district where the case was heard and ask to speak to the Court Reporter Coordinator. Roster of Court Reporter Coordinators. The coordinator will be able to assist you with this matter.
List of reporter's email by last name: