Superior Court of California, San Bernardino County

Superior Court of California, San Bernardino County



Juvenile Citations:

All traffic and non-traffic infractions involving minors are heard in adult Traffic Courts.

Effective March 1, 2013, all misdemeanor citations involving minors pursuant to Welfare and Institutions Code 256 will be cited into and heard at the San Bernardino County Probation Department. Please note: payments and acceptance of proof of completion can be made at each court location up to and including 04/30/13. Effective 05/01/13 all payments and proof of completion must be submitted to:

San Bernardino Juvenile Delinquency Court
900 East Gilbert Street, Bldg. 35
San Bernardino, CA 92415-0942

(909) 269-8840

Delinquency Matters:

Delinquency proceedings involve most persons under the age of 18 who have been alleged to have committed a violation of a law or statute. Juvenile Court's jurisdiction over minor children is described in Welfare and Institutions Code Section 602. If allegations in the petition are found to be true and the minor is declared a ward of the court, the minor may be placed on Probation with certain terms to follow or be removed from the home and placed in Juvenile Hall, a placement or group home or the Department of Juvenile Justice or State Prison.

Parent's Information:

If your child has been arrested or received a Notice to Appear (a citation), the parent & child must appear on the date & time on the citation or as instructed by the probation officer.

San Bernardino Juvenile Court – the parents or legal guardian must check the minor in at the clerk’s window.
Victorville Juvenile Court – the parents or legal guardian and minor must report directly to the courtroom

If the family has retained an attorney, please inform the clerk or the bailiff. If the family cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for your child.

The attorney will discuss the allegations in the petition with the parents and the minor. If you have any questions, please discuss them with your attorney.

Because of the confidentiality of all Juvenile matters, the court will only call one case into the courtroom at a time. Therefore, the wait to go into the courtroom may be lengthy. It is best NOT to bring small children with you to court.

Some cases at Juvenile Court are open to the public. A list of the public hearing cases is posted in the delinquency lobby each day.

Each parent will be asked to complete an information form. This information will be sent to Central Collections. They will mail the parents a notice to contact them within 20 days to schedule a financial interview. If the parents fail to schedule this interview, further legal action will be taken and the parents may be held financially responsible for the entire amount for attorney's fees and other housing expenses.

At the Financial Interview, the Central Collections staff will review the parent's financial information and will make a determination if the parents have the ability to reimburse the county for attorney's fees and housing costs. They will also determine how much of the housing and attorney's fees will have to be paid and the amount to be paid each month. The paperwork will be sent to the court and will be made an order of the court. If the parent's fail to pay this amount, further legal action will be taken. If the parents disagree with this amount, they can request that Central Collections set a Financial Review Hearing with the court. The parents must appear in court and the Judge will decide the amount to be reimbursed and the monthly payments.

Dress Code

The dress code at Juvenile Court is strictly enforced. Shorts, tank tops, undershirts worn without a shirt, gang attire and or bare feet will not be allowed in the courtroom.

All bags, purses, backpacks, etc. are subject to search by security prior to entering the courtroom. All persons entering the courthouse will be electronically screened for weapons.


Most forms used by Juvenile Court are located on the Judicial Council website:

Click on the FORMS & RULES section of their website to obtain copies of these forms.


San Bernardino County Juvenile Court limits access to juvenile court records in accordance with T.N.G. v Superior Court (1971) 4 C3d 767, 94 CR 813, and Welfare and Institution Code Section 827.

Availability of these records is restricted to certain court personnel, the minor, parents or guardian, attorneys involved in the case, and other persons designated by the Presiding Judge of Juvenile Court. Photo identification is required.

Other interested persons and the news media may petition the San Bernardino County Juvenile Court for access to specific juvenile court records or to attend specific juvenile court hearings.

Petitions to Inspect and Receive Copies of Juvenile Records (WIC Section 827) are available at the Juvenile Court, 900 E. Gilbert St., Bldg. 35, San Bernardino, CA 92415-0942. There is no charge for the form.

The completed petition can be mailed to the above address or delivered to Juvenile Court. The attorneys involved in the Juvenile Court case will be notified and given an opportunity to respond to the petition. If an objection is received, the court will set the petition for a hearing.

If no objection is received, after reviewing the petition, the Presiding Judge of Juvenile Court will either grant or deny the request. The petitioner is then notified and can make arrangements to come in and view the file. Copies can be obtained at a rate of .50¢ per page. Certification is available for an additional fee. The court does not charge the minor for copies. Juvenile court records may not be obtained or inspected by civil or criminal subpoena.

Record Sealing

Welfare and Institutions Code Section 781 permits persons who acquired records as juveniles to petition the juvenile court to have those records sealed.

Information and documents to initiate this record sealing process are available from the San Bernardino County Probation Department located at 150 West 5th Street, San Bernardino, CA 92415.


San Bernardino Juvenile Delinquency Court
900 E. Gilbert St., Building 35
San Bernardino, CA 92415-0942
Phone: (909) 269-8840
Fax: (909) 269-8859

Victorville Juvenile Delinquency Court
14455 Civic Drive Ste 200
Victorville, CA 92392
Phone: (760) 245-6215
Fax: (760) 269-4842

Juvenile Hall – Information
Phone: (909) 383-1769